Thank You Students of Caney Creek High School

Caney Creek Fire & Rescue has responded to (7) seven 911 calls for service over the last thirty days at Caney Creek High School. Three of these events were significant enough that it required us to call for additional resource. Many agencies responded to assist us in migrating the incident which required equipment that most agencies do not have readily available. These types of incidents work under a Unified Command System that allows the different agencies to blend throughout the Incident Command System, to migrate the incident safely and successfully.
On May 22, 2023, I was handed just over 70 thank you letters from students in various grades at Caney Creek High School. As a 42-year veteran of the Fire Service I have never received this type of thanks from anyone. I have read ever letter thoroughly and am overwhelmed by the support you, the students, have shown for this organization and your school.
I am very proud of all the students for acting in a professional manner during these difficult times at your school. The calm professional attitude of the students, staff and Conroe Independent School District Police Department make our job so much easier.
Below are just a few comments on some of your letters:
- Joes you are welcome we are lucky to have young men like yourself studying hard to be the future of this great County.
- Jacob don’t let anyone tell you “You’re a nobody”, you took the time to thank this Fire Department, we could use a young men like yourself.
- Diego you are correct we respond to all types of emergencies.
- Marc you are welcome, and you are correct it has been a little crazy at the school, but the Staff and CISD Police Department have your back, your safety is their number one priority.
- Katlin you are so welcome, it is a great career. Come see us when you graduate.
- Jose you are welcome, great penmanship.
- Gauge you are welcome, we do respond to a lot of accidents, hope your buddy gets better!
- Connor it means a lot coming from a Senior heading out into the world, good luck to you in your future endeavors.
- Richard it’s our honor to protect you and your school, you are the future of this great Country.
- Monica Yes it has been a little rough, however let the administration, CISD Police Department and our Fire Department worry about these small distractions, you can help us by getting excellent grades.
- Jessica great drawing of the Fire Engine, future artist for sure!
- Brianna you are correct gas leaks can be dangerous, we are fortunate that school administration and CISD Police take these matters seriously and do what’s right protecting the students. We are lucky to have them assist us when we arrive.
- Joshua I am not 100 percent sure most Fireman ever truly grow-up, they still like to play. However, when the alarm goes off, they are all business.
The airboat I requested through the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management, this boat responded from the precent 4 Matt Gray’s Office. There is no easy way to ventilate a building the size of your school. Parking the airboat near and open door will allow us to ventilate any gases quickly and safely if needed.
Thank You,
Fire Chief
Raymond Flannelly