Burn Ban

Over the weekend, this agency responded to two working house fires and just over a dozen illegal burns and grass fires. As we all know it’s very dry, and not the time to burn! Please pass on to your friends and neighbors that Montgomery County is under a Burn Ban. Illegal burning ties up resources and our most valued asset, our Firefighters! Please see comments below from Governor Greg Abbott.
Governor Greg Abbott today announced that he has issued a disaster declaration for 191 Texas counties in response to widespread wildfire activity throughout the state. Additional counties may be added as conditions warrant.
“The State of Texas continues working with local officials to respond to critical wildfire activity across the entire state,” said Governor Abbott. “I issued a disaster declaration to surge the deployment of additional resources and assistance to 191 counties currently experiencing dangerous wildfire conditions. As we continue to respond to wildfire conditions across the state, Texas is ready to provide any additional resources and aid to impacted communities. I commend the bravery and service of the hundreds of emergency personnel and firefighters who have swiftly responded to the wildfires to protect their fellow Texans and communities. Texans are encouraged to remain weather-aware and heed the guidance of state and local officials.”
According to the Texas A&M Forest Service, wildfire activity is expected to continue as high temperatures and dry conditions persist. Critical fire weather is forecasted for Central and East Texas, with the risk increasing mid-week.
These guys need a break, Just Do What’s Right!
Fire Chief
Raymond Flannelly