Boots on the Ground
At about 2:45 pm Tuesday two oversize loads with police escorts were eastbound on FM 2090 between Crockett Martin and FM 1485. The load caught the old Rapid Cable Television cable line crossing the road, it snapped and went into the primary power lines. This caused the fuses on both sides of the road to throw and sparked grass fires. A driver came into the Caney Creek Fire Station just down the road and reported it. As firefighters arrived the flames had already run across the ditch and were starting in the wooded area. Firefighters were able to stop it as the wooded area to the south has several hundred acres of heavily wooded land along Caney Creek with homes on the opposite side.
As dry conditions continue, these Firefighters are forced to move quickly to stop these fires before they get into the tree lines and move into neighborhoods.
Our Firefighters are very fortunate to have our law enforcement partners, which allows them to focus on the incident and not worry about a vehicle sneaking up on them. Both Conroe Independent School District Police Department and Precinct 2 Constables Office again had our backs, keeping traffic out of the hazard zone freeing up firefighters to do their job.
Approximately 12 hours later these same Firefighters we on scene of a working garage fire, that is currently under investigation by the Montgomery County Fire Marshal’s Office.
Fire Chief
Raymond Flannelly